Home / News / The first phase of the 134th Canton Fair ended, LEAD HPMC was at the scene

The first phase of the 134th Canton Fair ended, LEAD HPMC was at the scene

Views: 61     Author: LEAD HPMC     Publish Time: 20-10-2023      Origin: Site

LEAD HPMC Canton Fair (1)

On October 19, 2023, the first phase of the 134th Autumn Canton Fair came to a successful conclusion at the China Import and Export Fair Complex in Guangzhou. This world-class trade event brought together outstanding business representatives from all walks of life around the world. LEAD HPMC, an enterprise actively exploring the international market, participated as an exhibitor and achieved fruitful results. During this exhibition, LEAD HPMC not only attracted the attention of many foreign buyers, but also successfully contacted hundreds of interested customers, laying a solid foundation for business cooperation.


LEAD HPMC, a leading manufacturer headquartered in Hebei Province, focuses on producing high-quality chemical products, including HPMC cellulose, redispersible polymeric powder, water reducing agent, etc. With years of technological accumulation and continuous innovation, Hebei Yida has achieved outstanding results in the domestic market. However, the company has been actively exploring international markets, and the Canton Fair has become an important springboard for them to go international.

LEAD HPMC Canton Fair (2)

In this Canton Fair, LEAD HPMC's booth attracted a large number of foreign buyers, who showed strong interest in the company's product quality and technical strength. LEAD HPMC exhibited a range of high-quality industrial products, showcasing their expertise and manufacturing capabilities in the chemical industry. The display of these products not only attracted the attention of buyers, but also aroused the interest of many buyers who were interested in cooperating with the company.

LEAD HPMC Canton Fair (2) Canton Fair (1)

LEAD HPMC actively interacted with buyers during the exhibition to conduct product introductions and technical exchanges. Company representatives introduced the product's features, performance and application fields in detail, and answered various questions raised by buyers. This kind of positive communication and professional answers gave foreign buyers a high sense of trust in Hebei Yida's products.

All in all, the successful holding of the first phase of the 134th Autumn Canton Fair has brought great business opportunities to Hebei Yida and other exhibitors. Hebei Yida was favored by foreign buyers during the exhibition and successfully contacted many interested customers, laying a solid foundation for future international cooperation. This exhibition is not only a business event, but also a platform for enterprises from various countries to cooperate and seek common development, making a positive contribution to the prosperity of international trade.