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Do you understand the classification of ceramic tile adhesive mortar?

Views: 18     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 19-04-2021      Origin: Site

Binding mortar is a kind of polymer - reinforced cement - based pre - prepared dry - mixed flexible bonding mortar. It is made of cement, quartz sand, polymer binder mixed with a variety of additives, with excellent flexibility and bonding performance, as well as good anti-sag, water retention, water resistance and simple and convenient operability, enhance the bonding strength and tensile strength, prevent hollowing. Direct adding water, convenient construction, simple operation, high efficiency.

Classification of cement-based ceramic tile bonding mortar


C1Common type - cement based adhesive
C1F Fast hardening - general type - cement based adhesive
C1T Slip resistance - general type - cement based adhesive
C1FT Slip resistance - fast hardening - general type - cement based adhesive
C2 Enhanced - cement-based adhesive
C2E Extended drying time - enhanced - cement-based adhesive
C2F Enhanced - fast hardening - cement based adhesive
C2T Slip resistant - reinforced - cement-based adhesive
C2TE Extended drying time - anti-slip - enhanced - cement-based adhesive
CEFT Slip resistant - enhanced - fast hardening - cement based adhesive

In fact, tile bonding is a system engineering, should be based on different base, different ceramic tiles and different use environment, choose to use different ceramic tile bonding mortar, see the table below.


Typical amount of polymer (%)


Low quality (<C1)0~1.5Indoor use; There is no large temperature difference change; Do not apply to vitrified brick
Common (Standard) (C1)1.5~2Indoor and outdoor; Applicable to glass brick; Not suitable for sticking tiles on tiles
Enhanced (Flexible) (C2)3.5~4Indoor and outdoor; Paste tiles on old indoor tiles; Paste tile on the outer insulation base
Special Type5~8Paste tiles on the old outdoor tiles; Paste tiles on plywood; On the base level that is difficult to handle, need not bottom besmear paste ceramic tile

Technical requirements for cement - based ceramic tile bonding mortar

ProjectCommon type (C1)Fast hard type (CF)Enhanced (C2)
Tensile bond strength ()
Tensile bonding strength after immersion ()
Tensile bond strength after thermal aging ()≥0.5≥0.5≥1.0 
Tensile bond strength after freeze-thaw cycle ()≥0.5≥0.5≥1.0 
Air setting time, tensile bonding strength ()

Early tensile bond strength (24h) ()≥0.5
Anti-slip (mm) (optional)≤0.5